High Care Support in Perth, WA
The specific care requirements related to your high intensive care need can sometimes get difficult to manage. So, you will need to hire support staff with enough experience in this domain. At Amity WA, we have these professionals in our team who provide high-care support at your convenience in your home. So, if you or your loved one require high-support care in homes or shared spaces, get in touch with us. We will get back to you with initial meet and greet, where we can sit together to work around skilled support staff matching, understand your care requirements and develop the required plans. Following the same, we will provide and manage high-intensity support to suit your care requirement.Our support staff are compassionate and can responsibly deal with complex supports. So, you can rely on our support. Additionally, our professionals tailor high-care support services to provide clients with better support. For this, they coordinate with their clients and determine the barriers they are facing to achieve their desired goals. . In fact, learning about these challenges helps in resolving the issues that you or your loved one, as a client might face. This also, gives us an opportunity to gather your valuable feedback and develop continuous improvement plans.

What Does Our High Care Support Services Comprise?
- Diabetes management
- Seizures management
- Complex wounds management
- Treating pressure injuries
- Administering subcutaneous injections
- Managing complex bowel care
- Tracheostomy and stoma care
- Catheter management
- Ventilator care
- Enteral feeding support

USPs of our High Care Support Service
- This care service is provided by our expert and experienced support workers, enrolled nurses supervised and trained by clinical nurses
- We provide high-care support with regular checks on risk assessments
- We assist our clients with multifaceted care needs to pursue activities in homes and outer communities
- While providing care, we follow clinical practical guidelines for effective support services delivery